Body Surgery

Body shaping surgery is a broad category that encompasses a wide range of skin tightening and fat reduction treatments that can be used to shape the arms, legs, stomach, and neck. If you have ever looked in the mirror and found yourself distressed by disproportionate arms or legs, a flabby stomach, or loose skin around the neck, you might wish to consider one of these treatments.

Keep in mind that at one point or another, everyone has looked in the mirror and been dissatisfied with the reflection looking back at them. Body shaping surgery isa last resort for people who are concerned about the long-term impact excess fat or skin may have on their health or for people who are deeply distressed by their body image.

Types of Treatments Available


As mentioned above, there are a variety of body shaping treatments you can use to achieve the effect you’re after. You can also combine treatments to get the look you want.

  • Abdominoplasty and tummy tucks: These treatments give the patient a slimmer figure and tighten the skin on the abdomen and thighs.
  • Brachioplasty: More commonly known as arm reduction surgery, this popular procedure is used to reduce loose skin on one’s underarms, eliminating the so-called “batwing” effect. Whether this issue is caused by aging, genetics, or drastic weight loss, we can take care of it for you.
  • Thigh lifts: This highly popular procedure helps patients have flatter and firmer thighs. Most excess fat is stored in this part of the body, meaning that many can benefit from this surgery no matter their age or gender. Thigh lifts can also help to reduce chafing, improve mobility, and reduce general discomfort overall, meaning that this procedure has wider applicability outside of aesthetics.
  • Body lifts: By combining several different procedures, patients can benefit from general slimming and skin tightening. This rejuvenating treatment is called a body lift. Similar toa tummy tuck, this treatment also targets the patient’s sides and back, as well as their thighs and buttocks. Anyone who deals with a build-up of fat or loose skin in multiple areas of the body will benefit from this comprehensive procedure.

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Clinic?


Based on the descriptions above, you perhaps already have a good idea of what procedure you’d like to book. So long as you have a clear understanding of what areas of your body you would like to address in treatment, you can begin to think about what cosmetic surgeries would be most beneficial for you. This includes combining treatments to target multiple areas at once, ensuring you get the overall look you desire.

That being said, there are health considerations our doctors must take into account when planning your treatment. For example, some procedures should not be done at the same time. Additionally, depending on your genetic makeup, body type, and any health conditions you may have, some procedures should be avoided.

When choosing a clinic, you should ensure that you select one that offers a wide variety of procedures. This ensures that the doctors who see you will be able to build a consultation plan that fully addresses all your needs and wants. If a clinic lacks the proper equipment for a specific procedure, the surgeons simply will not offer it. By consulting a doctor at a well-established, advanced clinic with access to the latest technologies and equipment, you increase the likelihood that you will be able to receive the treatments you desire.

Whatever clinic you choose, ensure they:

  • Are backed upby years of experience and have access to the latest surgical equipment. This will ensure you have a broad range of treatments at your disposal and also means that your surgeon will be able to recommend the very best procedures for your situation.
  • Have a solid support infrastructure based on dedicated nurses, anesthesiologists, and doctors. It’s important that your clinic has access to the latest equipment, but it’s equally important that they employ staff who can utilize this equipment to full effect.
  •  Employ specialist surgeons with a range of expertise and skills. This ensures that no matter your needs, you will have access to the very best advice and treatment.

Many clinics simply cannot tick all these boxes. Here at Australia Cosmetic Clinics, however, we do. With almost twenty years of experience in the field and with a team of dedicated doctors at our disposal, we offer treatments to thousands of customers using the latest technology and techniques. If you are considering any body shaping treatments, we encourage you to reach out to us first for a full consultation. We believe that everyone should have access to cosmetic treatments, and we make it our mission to ensure that all our clients receive the attention they deserve.

If you’d like to find out more, call 1300 559 848 or reach out to us on our website to book a consultation session with one of our dedicated professionals.

Body Lift

If you suffer from excess fat or loose skin around your body, including your front, back, and sides, a body lift procedure will help you target those areas. This body shaping surgery can also be used to flatten and firm up your stomach, buttocks, and thighs.

Thigh Lift

A thigh lift is an effective way of eliminating flabby skin or excess fat on the thighs. This procedure will give you smoother skin and a slimmer, more streamlined silhouette.

Arm Reduction

People who deal with flappy skin or deposits of excess fat on their underarms choose arm reduction surgery to eliminate these issues.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasties or tummy tucks help to tighten your stomach and lower chest, giving you a slimmer profile as well as firmer skin. This procedure can also help to define a patient’s musculature and contribute to a more toned, flat abdomen.