Genital Surgery

Genital surgery for women is on the rise, both as a kind of voluntary cosmetic enhancement and as a medically necessary treatment for several genital disorders.

Genital Surgery

About a third of patients who underwent such treatments did so for health reasons, a third did so for purely aesthetic goals, and the remaining third had surgeries for simultaneous cosmetic and practical reasons. Labiaplasty, vaginal tightening, and hymen repair (or hymenoplasty) are the three most common forms of genital surgery for women. Each is a separate process that achieves different effects.

Labiaplasty: What Is it, and Why Would You Want It?

The skin folds around the vulva are called labia, and they contribute to the vagina's overall appearance. There's a huge amount of natural variation in these features, and every woman is unique. The labia are prone to significant changes due to these inherent qualities alongside the stresses of childbirth, aging, or injury.

Because each labia is unique and each patient has their own individual surgical objectives, the specifics of the treatment vary greatly from one patient to the next. Everything is done according to a systematic and results-oriented approach. Following the consultation, your surgeon will use the information gathered to create a unique surgical plan that will address each of your specific concerns in turn. This could be anything from manually creating new features in the case of sexual reassignment surgery or intersex treatments to laser reduction of the labial epidermis for the desired aesthetic and anything in between.

Vaginal Tightening


The vast majority of vaginal tightening patients report significant improvements in their condition and the resolution of their problems following the operation. Techniques may vary, but they all have the same goal: to help women feel the incredible benefits of having stronger pelvic muscles. These muscular structures can degrade rapidly with age, especially if they aren't exercised frequently. However, pregnancy is the leading cause of weak vaginal muscles, and it can result in some uncomfortable side effects.

However, some women struggle with problems related to tight vaginal muscles. The discomfort and health problems the produce are comparable to those of the former. Surgery to relax the vaginal muscles is the main treatment for this. So, if you're having problems like these, it's because your muscles are either too tight or too lax, and both conditions can be fixed with the right kind of treatment.

Overly-Loose Muscles:

Having overly loose vaginal muscles is the root cause of the following problems, all of which can be treated with a vaginal muscle tightening surgery.

Incontinence or uncontrollable flatulence: If you feel as though you lack the strength or control to "keep it in," this is likely what has happened. Many women may experience this at some point in their lives, either as a result of pregnancy or simply as a natural part of becoming older. A loss of muscular flexibility and subsequent incontinence can be a lifelong side effect of prolonged exposure to high levels of stress, such as that experienced during childbirth. There is widespread consensus amongst patients that vaginal tightening is preferable to the use of incontinence pads.

Pain, discomfort, sexual dysfunction, all possible side effects of organ prolapse, a condition in which normally unseen internal tissues protrude and become obviously visible. You need to have weak pelvic muscles for this to occur. If this is the case, surgical intervention can restore health by addressing the underlying cause as well as the visible symptoms.

Nearly half of all women may experience hyperactive bladder at some point in their lives. This condition is characterised by an overwhelming sensation of urgency in the bladder. It's accompanied by incontinence in roughly 40% of instances. If you need to urinate many times throughout the day or numerous times each night, then you likely have an overactive bladder caused by extremely loose pelvic muscles. The widespread belief that this is a natural part of growing old or carrying a child is a major contributing factor to its widespread acceptance as normal and the acceptance that there is no treatment for it. This is incorrect for several reasons. It affects a large number of people yet is far from normal. Pregnancy and the consequences of age are two possible causes, but there may be more.

Overly-Tight Muscles

Overly tight vaginal muscles can lead to a variety of health problems. By modifying muscular tension, these issues can also be resolved.

Problems with urination can present themselves, such as pain, inability to completely empty the bladder, sudden pauses in the flow, or muscle spasms. Your perineum is probably excessively tight and requires some release.

Persistent issues can be faced passing stool, including constipation, discomfort, and straining. It's inconvenient, unpleasant, and potentially deadly, so it needs to be remedied immediately.

A chronic, unexplained ache may be experienced in the genitals, hip, or low back area. If there is no other obvious explanation, stiff vaginal muscles are almost certainly to blame for the pain.

Discomfort may be experienced during or after intercourse, especially if there are issues in penetration or sudden bursts of pain during the climax. It's not common, but it's easy to fix.

Vaginal muscular spasms and involuntary muscle contractions, also known as vaginismus, can likely be avoided. To evaluate whether these may be fixed during surgery, they must be identified during the pre-op consultation.

Hymenoplasty: What Is It?


The hymen is an interior vaginal membrane. It usually doesn't get damaged or broken until a woman starts having sexual intercourse, but it can be damaged or injured from things like sports, injuries, and other strenuous physical activity. All surgical procedures usedto restore or repair the hymen are collectively known as hymen reconstructive surgery, also called hymenoplasty or hymenorrhaphy. Australia Cosmetic Clinics provides each of the three primary types of hymenoplasty.

Hymen suturing is a procedure used to repair a damaged hymen and speed up the healing process after an accident or traumatic incident, such as a sexual assault.

Hymen implant surgery entails the insertion of a synthetic membrane, with or without a minimal artificial blood supply. This is the easiest and cheapest solution available, and it provides equivalent functionality to the real thing.

Vaginal Lining Reproduction: The most intricate and thorough type of hymen reconstruction now accessible, this technique entails building a brand-new, fully functional hymen from scratch, complete with an integrated blood supply. A new hymen can be created by surgically repositioning a small flap of skin from the vaginal lining.

Hymen reconstruction techniques vary according to the patient's overall health, body type, and motivation for the procedure. Therefore, you should see a medical professional before deciding to undergo the treatment.


When it comes to labiaplasty, how exactly is it achieved?


1: Using the Trim Method: Minimal incisions are made vertically along the length of the internal labia. The surgeon clamps the labia down and removes any extra skin and muscle. This method is frequently used on individuals who have enlarged inner labia, possibly as a result of pregnancy or childbirth. 2: The Wedge Approach: The surgeon separates the labia and removes the thickest section before stitching the two halves back together. You can keep your labia's natural "wrinkling" this way. 3: De-Epithelialisation: Some patients choose de-epithelialization; however, this is much less common than the other two techniques. It's very similar to the wedge method; however, the inner lining of the labia is the target for removal.

How risky is it to get labiaplasty?


Most labiaplasty procedures are successful, but there is always a chance that something could go wrong. While there are a variety of ways to perform labiaplasty, several of them have the potential to reduce vulvar sensitivity. Scarring is also a possibility after labiaplasty surgery, depending on the technique chosen. Some nerve injuries, however uncommon, may occur, leading to numbness.

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